Author Interview
Interview with author Meena RD
Q1. Hello, can you please introduce yourself? Readers would love to know more about you.

A1. Hello! My parents met in New York City after they both migrated from Guyana, South America in the 1970s. I have fond memories of growing up in Queens, NY, especially with my three sisters. Family and close friends mean the most to me.
Having only one child, a son with Autism, I am an advocate in raising awareness and acceptance. Since last October, I have been working for a Podcast centering around autism moms and their journeys.
I find solace in reading a book or listening to music. Watching a movie or show with my husband, or even by myself, brings me happiness!
Q2. What were the key challenges you faced while writing your book “Path To REBIRTH: Fight. Survive. Repeat.”?
A2. I went back and forth with what I wanted to include in my book. There were some topics I did not feel comfortable sharing or reliving. It was also important to me to keep the book short and an “easy read” so that readers could finish it in one day.
Q3. What books or authors have most influenced your own writing?
A3. Although I’ve always been an avid reader, there were no particular books or authors that influenced my writing. From an early age, my love for books in general and my passion for journaling gave me the desire to write short stories and poems. After my son was born in 2005, I even attended classes on how to write children’s books!
Q4. What’s your favourite spot to visit in your own country? And what makes it so special to you?
A4. Here in New York City, USA, I wouldn’t say I have one favorite spot. However, I have a memorable and special borough. I’m talking about Manhattan. I remember taking the train or driving into the city with my dad in the 1980s. He would take me to visit his job and then take my older sister and I shopping in Chinatown. In 1996, after high school, I went to a vocational school in Midtown. A year later, I started my career as a Legal Secretary working Downtown and, 10 years later, in Midtown. Overall, Manhattan shaped me in more ways than one.
Q5. What inspired you to write the book ‘Path To REBIRTH: Fight. Survive. Repeat.’?
A5. A mixture of things. First, many people have told me in the past, especially my dad, that I have gone through so much since birth to the present; that I should write about my experiences and share them with the world! Second, it was approaching the 10-year anniversary of losing one of my best friends to Cancer and I wanted to do something in her honor since she always believed in my writing. Finally, my dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer in late 2022. Because his prognosis was unknown, I wanted to write my book before he passed. [I’m getting emotional] Not only was I able to get my book completed and published, but I was also able to show him the book the day before he passed on June 14, 2024.
Q6. How long did it take you to write your book ‘Path To REBIRTH: Fight. Survive. Repeat.’?
A6. To be honest, because I had a vision and had saved notes along with rough drafts throughout my life, all I had to do was put my thoughts together. Once I started writing, it flowed effortlessly. With countless sleepless nights, and the motivation I had to complete my book, you can say it took me about 5 months to write.
Q7. On what platforms can readers buy your book?
Q8. Tell us about the process of coming up with the book cover and the title ‘Path To REBIRTH: Fight. Survive. Repeat.’?
A8. I wanted the title and book cover to stand out – make a statement! I feel like life in general is a path filled with twists and turns. My path has been filled with struggles and moments where I needed to fight and survive. Every element of my book cover has a meaning. The colors of the sky, from dark to light, signify that no matter how negative things may seem, to remain positive. The lotus flower signifies resilience and strength, and the butterflies signify transformation. Sitting in the water signifies emotional release and spiritual growth. Regarding the silhouette of a woman – Originally, I wanted it to be a picture of me, but after having a conversation with my husband, he made me realize that I wanted any woman to relate to my story!
Q9. When writing a book how do you keep things fresh, for both your readers and also yourself?
A9. Sometimes it may be difficult to know where or how to start drafting a book. I believe that a person should write down their thoughts or ideas as soon as they have them. When you have enough of those thoughts and ideas, it will make it easier to put them together and produce the story you are aiming for!
Q10. What is the most valuable piece of advice you’ve been given about writing?
A10. Writing should not feel like a chore or something that you need to do. You should want to write! Writing should make you feel euphoric, and you should go at your own pace.
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